Retro Diary – 9/9/2012 – Happy Birthday (NA) Dreamcast!

Sun, Sep 9th, 2012

Monday 3rd September 2012

I’ve ordered a Wonderswan game off eBay late last night, after realising I had some money, it’s called Digimon Tamers Battle Spirit v1.5, and it’s for the Wonderswan Color. Just thought I’d tell you.

My first day back in college, and I bumped into one of my old high school friends on the train, he says he goes to the college I go to now, which is awesome. We were talking about a few things, mostly games, and My Little Pony, because he recently became a brownie, not that I have a problem with that, he can like whatever he wants.
He mentioned to me how it’s weird that sometimes our opinion changes drastically about a certain thing, one time you might hate something, but later on, you might love it, and he was right, that’s the case with me and games like Mirrors Edge and Grand Theft Auto IV, I hated them when they came out, but once I actually played them, I fell in love!

I came across another friend of mine, it’s been years since we saw each-other, first thing he said to me was that he got a Dreamcast, good on him! I see he’s still as into games as I am, that’s good to know. We were talking about Dreamcast games for a good while, then we talked about the Max Payne games, funnily enough, the original game was planned for the Dreamcast, but that was cancelled.

I finally have a Wonderswan!
It has arrived today, and wow! it’s tiny, it’s smaller than I expected even after seeing one of it’s games! Here’s a size comparison between it, and a Game Boy Color:

Also, a size comparison between the console, and a box for one of it’s games:

Of course, being that it came from Japan, the text/writing on the parcel was in Japanese, however, it was just a sheet of paper stuck on the cardboard, so I took it off, and there was another one, took that off, and there was another one, took that off, and they were all off, but then the last sheet of paper turned out to be two stuck together! Did they really need 4 sheets!? Since I have a thing for , I guess you could say, Exotic parcels/packages, I decided to hang them on my wall!

I’ve had a go on Klonoa: Moonlight Museum on it, everyone seems to think this game is mediocre and only for collectors, I partially agree with the latter, as it rarely pops up on eBay, and when it does, it goes for over £30, which is ridiculous for any Handheld game. However, once you get past the first world, which is dull and boring-ish, I’ll admit, it really gets interesting in my opinion, you get new monsters and block that you’ll recognise from the other Klonoa games, and makes the game a little more interesting and fun!

Tuesday 4th September 2012

Anyway, last week at that shop, I saw a copy of RC Revenge, boxed with manual for only £2 because the case was cracked, but I didn’t get it because I ordered it from Amazon. That copy didn’t arrive, and I got a refund for it, so I decided to visit the shop again if I get the chance, and get it if it’s still there, it was!
I also found 007 The World is Not Enough for the PS1 there, it looks completely different from the N64 version, so I wanted to get it, because I love the 007 games, and wanted to get something new, well, new to me. It was £5, so I thought why not, at that price, it must be in pristine condition, the disc, I mean, they take out the discs when displaying them to avoid theft.

I also saw Viruta Tennis 2, I got the first game from there last week, loved it, so I thought why not get this one, it was also £5, the same as it is on Amazon, not too bad.

After that, I went to CEX, I found Resident Evil 4 for both Gamecube and PC, the PC version being £3 and the Gamecube version was £12, I also saw Theme Hospital for about £2.50, I was going to get them, but the line that particular day was massive, and I was killing enough time as it was, so I thought “Forget it!”, I would probably get them all cheaper on Amazon anyway, if not, I’ll get them the next time I’m there, which I guess will be Thursday, when I go back to college, I’m off tomorrow!!!

When I got back home, I got 2 parcel today! I got Max Payne for PC and 007 Agent Under Fire for the Xbox!

I played a few matches of Goldeneye Source with my cousin, Steven, it was almost as fun as the original! There was funny moment we had, in a match where the weapons were set to explosives, I threw a bunch of remote mines in a certain spot, and Steven fell right into the trap, I detonated them just as he was running over them, I found that hilarious, truest me, it’s funnier than I’m making it sound…

Friday 7th September 2012

Max Payne 2 Arrived Today, I haven’t installed or even opened it yet, I’m waiting until I complete the first game.

Saturday 8th September 2012

Sleeping Dogs, Inversion and 007 Everything or Nothing Arrived today!

Sleeping Dogs is fantastic, I’m very addicted to it!

Inversion, however, isn’t quite up to that level, it seems it’s another shoddy PC port, you have no option to turn off Motion Blur or Depth of Field, why don’t games give you the option any more!? No one likes these effects, sure, some don’t mind, but there’s a difference between that and actually liking them. All they do, is blur out the game and slow it down, they’re not good for anything! I know no one’s going to listen to me but, developers, get some common sense, and don’t use these effects! This is one of only 3 PC games Namco have ever released, and they all have this problem! I love Namco, but they’re not cut out for PC games!

I expected Everything or Nothing to be just like Nightfire on consoles, only improved further, but nope, they’ve ditched that engine, and gone third person, why? It never works, only Blood Stone years later got it right. It plays just like 007 From Russia With Love, which was okay in multiplayer, but was kind of rubbish in single-player, trust EA to screw franchises up, eh? Luckily Activision got their hands on the 007 licence and got things right again!

As you probably imagined, I was playing Sleeping Dogs all day.

Sunday 9th September 2012

It’s the 9th of the 9th, the Dreamcast’s birthday! Well, the North American Dreamcast anyhow… but it was the perfect excuse to bring along and play the Dreamcast!

Well, that was the plan, but my brother brought his PS3 as well, and we, or rather they, were mostly playing that.

When Steven came, he gave me back my copy of 007 Blood Stone for the PC… just thought I’d mention that.

Me and Giancarlo were playing Virtua Tennis and Virtua Tennis 2, and a game of Ready 2 Rumble Boxing, that’s it.

Then for the rest of the time there, they were just playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band on the PS3.

That sums up today in a nut shell, next week, I’m not sure what we’ll do.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be playing some Sleeping Dogs…

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