Archive for Dec, 2017

2017 Year Review

Sun, Dec 31st, 2017

Whew! Whit a year! Loads o things happened this year, no aw o thaim guid, misfortunately.

Stairtin wi ma personal life, A lost a load o freends, an scart awa the ainly lass A’v iver fancied. Been backstabbed bi loads o fowk, got nae freends left forby ane A niver see in real life onymair, haed tae muive tae a smawer hoose, gie awa wir dugs, A failt ma university course, an ma dreams are gittin haurder an haurder tae achieve, time is rinnin oot…

Thae are the negatives oot o the wey, ontae the positives: Forby ane, A’v actual mak oot ma 2017 new year’s resolutions! Maist fowk brak thaim bi 24 oor, but no iz!

A’ll gae ower thaim, acause naebody actual reads these posts… dae thay? Read the rest of this entry »

Retro Pick-Ups – Christmas 2017 edition

Mon, Dec 25th, 2017

Today, for Christmas, I got 3 games, and a Polaroid camera to take photos with!

2 games I expected, because I asked for them, but the 3rd, Sonic Forces, was a pleasant surprise!

I absolutely loved Sonic Generations, so seeing as this is a sequel, this troo should be a treat!

The middle game, AER, is surprisingly DRM-free, no Steam or anything required! Yas!

Dishonored 2, I only got because it was on sale at GAME. I don’t expect much from this, the disc itself supposedly only contains 5GB of data, and you need to download like 30GB to play it! Gaming is so screwed up these days…

My brother got Destiny 2 a download code for a Pac-Man game on PS4, and my other brother got WWE 2k18, also on the PS4. So not the worst Christmas ever! =)

I also got the special edition Titanfall 2 strategy guide… yay.


UPDATE: I got back from a visit to my gran’s to meet with my cousins to do our yearly Secret Santa, and my cousin got me as a Secret Santa and got me some games!


Retro Diary #81

Sun, Dec 17th, 2017

Last Sunday, I finished FIFA 17’s Journey mode, now onto FIFA 18’s!

On Wednesday, I went to a meetup at the Geek Retreat, and there was a setup for a new card game called “Lightseekers”, and it was really fun! It was really simple to understand!

I was talking to this couple at the meetup, while watching someone play Prototype on PS3… I have no idea why I remember that…

We were talking about Anime, Manga and Video Games. It was good!

On Saturday, I went to a meetup with the same group as last week, but this time, it was to a bar called “Super Barios” and it was like a wet dream for me! They had authentic 90s arcades! They had some Neo Geo games, House of the Dead, Sega Rally and Ridge Racer! I played those a heck of a load of times!

I tried out a Simpons Pinball cabinet, and I was blown away! It was a lot of fun, and trippy with all the lights! I’ll definitely be playing more pinball games!


Retro Diary #80 – “Help me Superman, help me!!! …but first, kill all the bad guys!”

Sun, Dec 10th, 2017

Last Sunday, I went to a meetup at a restaurant called the Geek Retreat… which ended up not happening… but I noticed that they had a Nintendo 64, so I decided to play whatever they had, and they had Wipeout 64, so I just played that for about an hour, then headed home.

On Monday, I met up with an old school friend at Geek Retreat, and we played some Nintendo 64 while chatting away, we played some Goldeneye, followed by Wipeout 64, and then WWF no mercy. It was nice playing them and meeting this old friend again!

On Saturday, I met up with this friend again and his group of friends at MEGABytes, I brought along Superman 64, and decided to play that, and we had a blast just laughing at it! It is such a bad game!

We came up with an alternate backstory for the game, Lois Lane is the real villan, and Lex Luthor is just a hostage! The idea came from when “rescuing” Lois Lane, she cried for help, but then said “Before you save me, take out all the bad guys.”, and she looked so casual and calm where she was… hmm… 😛

We also joked about how Superman would be traumatised after the game ends, and will be triggered if anyone mentions rings, and we came up with all sorts of scenarios where “ring” would be mentioned to him!

After our one hour session was finished, they offered to take it off our hands for free and throw it into the river clyde, which I politely declined! 😛

That’s it for this week’s retro diary, see youse whenever I do anything else worth of note…

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