Archive for Jun, 2020

The big Sega announcement… what could it mean?

Mon, Jun 1st, 2020

Wise from your gwave!

Edit Edit: It’s cloud gaming for arcades… hardly setting the world on fire there Sega, are you? No benefit to the consumer, and would make games harder to archive, so this announcement is actually bad news…

Edit: Doing more research, it turns out it most likely has nothing to do with the Xbox Series X… Well, that’s my theory out of the window.

So if you don’t know, there are rumours going around that Sega have this “groundbreaking” announcement coming this week that this journalist said would be just as big as the PS5 console reveal.

Naturally, this got everyone, myself included, curious as to what it actually is. What could it possibly be? I have 2 theories

It’s not going to be a new Sonic game, or a revival of an old franchise. None of that is groundbreaking enough, is it?

So I’ll get the most depressing out of my 2 theories out of the way, and that is Sega announces that they got bought out by someone like Microsoft or Nintendo, which I think would be a disaster. Microsoft will make them a laughing stock and reduce them to nothing, like they did Rare, and Nintendo is very stingy with their copyrights, fan games, ROMHacks, etc…

With that out of the way, now for the other theory: The first thing people are going to think is that it’s hardware related, but Sega just don’t have the resources to do that any more, and even if they did, they’re hardly the juggernaut they once were. Sega barely make games any more, and most of their money come from Pachinko machines.

But who says they would do it alone? I think it’s possible that they teamed up with another console maker or something.

Like Microsoft, whose consoles never sell in Asia, and especially not in Japan. It would make sense for Sega to team up with Microsoft, and place the Sega brand for the Xbox Series X in Japan, wouldn’t it? The Sega Series X has a nice ring to it, too, I think!

Sega would so, by extension, make games exclusively for the Series X, and maybe this is an opportunity for Sega to rebuild their company to the state it was at the Saturn and Dreamcast days.

Indeed, there is a rumour going around that supports my theory, or at least, is in the same ballpark!

I would personally love to see this, and would even pay to import the Sega model from Japan, or wherever it would be released, even if the console is the same internally!

However, if we apply Occam’s Razor, it could just be overhyped, and Sega didn’t have anything big planned to begin with, or Sega, and the journalist reporting it, overestimated how big it will be.

So what do you think? I guess leave a comment blog and tell me your thoughts.

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