Archive for Jan, 2018

Retro Diary #83

Sun, Jan 28th, 2018

All throughout the week, me and my brother have been playing matches in WWE 2k18, most of which I lost…

On Thursday, I met up with a friend of mine, and we played a bunch of board games, including Connect 4, Hunrgy Hungry Hippos and Jenga! We also tried to play Mouse Trap, but it was way too complicated to set up…



Retro Pick-Ups: The Sims… Life Stories?

Fri, Jan 26th, 2018

I was hanging out with a friend yesterday, and we decided to browse CEX, and I found this particular game that sparked my interest:


The Sims… Life Stories? What the heck is that? Well, from what I gathered from the back, it’s basically the Sims 2 with a Story mode… that actually sounds pretty awesome! So I bought it! …so yeah…

Retro Diary #82.5

Sat, Jan 13th, 2018

I forgot that I even wrote this, so I’m going to give you the little I wrote here…

On Wednesday, I played some WWE 2k18 with my brother, and I lost all but one match…

On Friday, I went to the Irn-Bru carnival with some friends, and they had an Outrun 2 Arcade cabinet! I love Outrun 2! The arcade was terrible, though, the steering was bust… I accedently selected the wrong game mode, and I kept crashing into walls…


Retro Diary #82

Sun, Jan 7th, 2018

On Monday, I played some matches of WWE 2K18 on the PS4 with my brother, we played 3 8-man matches, all of which he won, then we played 2 one-on-one matches, both of which I won!

On Tuesday, we played WWE 2K18 again, this time with another brother, too! We played 3 tripple threat elimination matches, all of which I was eliminated first, then we played a handicap match, me and my youngest brother versus he 1st brother, that ended in a draw, and the youngest brother left after that. Then we played 2 6-man ladder matches, both of which I also lost.

On Wednesday, I met up with a high-school friend at MEGAByted, and I played Supermn 64, and rage quit out of frustration, and then I played Bubsy 3D for the PS1, and got bored of that after 2 levels, but I saved the password for next time…

Then I played some pinball games. I’ve really been getting into pinball recently, it’s so much fun! And Trippy!

I then played the arcade game there (forget the title), with an old pound coin I had! So it was essentially a free game!

After that, we went home.


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